Monday, June 11, 2007

Day 6 (Roping the Mustang)

I was expecting to lose a little ground today because I was unable to work him yesterday, but he really came around nicely today. I can’t rope to save my life, but for the first several days, to speed things up a bit and make that connection I had to rope him. It was quite comical today, I tried several times to throw the rope and catch him. He is getting so desensitized to it he just turns and faces me and looks at me like I am an idiot. I finally gave up and just approached him and slowly was able to put the rope around his neck. Talk about feeling quite silly. I’ve never claimed to be a roper, but it is making me want to get some pointers from those who do it for a living, you definitely need to have a talent for it, just ask me (the one who ropes everything but the horse)