Friday, June 8, 2007

Day 3 (Progress)

Second day in the round pen. My guy remembered everything from the day before so I was able to progress rather quickly to the next step. One big thing I noticed today is that he let me in a lot closer today than yesterday. Although this is a competition and I definitely want to win, I am focusing on trying to do what’s best for him, mentally and physically. As hot as it is I am having to go slower and give lots of breaks which is fine by me. I’m still out of shape from having my son, Tristan, so this heat is kicking my tail. I did rub him for the first time on his head. I really need to come up with a name for this guy. I know he doesn’t really care, but it will be fun. He is cute and curious so it needs to fit him and his personality. I’ll be thinking about what to name him…